Angry Onion

The social enterprise is on a mission to speak through the universal language of food to teach the importance of sustainable agriculture and harvesting to share the real wealth and knowledge of the Earth. Angry Onion is a platform that provides knowledge of the wild...

Sidechain Music & Arts Collective

Sidechain is collective of DJ’s, engineers, designers, event planners, and friends that work together to throw events at 18+ venues of our choice focused around a curated line up of electronic music artists to provide a platform for artists of all...
Sidechain Music & Arts Collective

Sidechain Music & Arts Collective

Sidechain Music & Arts Collective is a collective/pop-up event company made up of DJ’s, engineers, graphic designers, event planners, clothing designers, and an accountants. SMAC plans it’s own uniquely designed music events from start to finish....

B’Hub B’Hub is an interactive app that connects the community together through weekly challenges and events. The main map on the app shows all real-time events with the event name, date, time and age...