by hebertk3 | Nov 20, 2019 | Current Student Ventures
Explore, Design, Innovate. Kollab-Social is a micro-social media mobile app built to help connect students with similar projects and interests. The long-terms goal of Kollab-Social is to provide a platform for collaboration and innovation by leveraging the powerful...
by asmussh | Nov 20, 2019 | Current Student Ventures, for Students, Venture Project Two
For this venture Emilee and I came together to create H & E Public Relations. This is great entrepreneurial experience for the both of us because we are seniors in the public relations program here at Western. Together we want to help growing businesses within...
by loyam | Nov 18, 2019 | Current Student Ventures, Venture Project Two
This November I had the pleasure of launching a one time Charity Gala benefiting Seattle Children’s Hospital with a really fantastic team. Colman Mitchell originally launched the project in Winter 2018, and I joined in Spring 2019. We were both...
by Sophie | Nov 18, 2019 | Current Student Ventures, Venture Project Two
Rogue Alchemist Cosmetics is an upcoming makeup brand that is launching with a flagship product line of custom foundations. This brand is currently in its early stages, but we are building our brand to be as inclusive and sustainable as possible. In an effort to...
by priebea | Nov 18, 2019 | Current Student Ventures, for Students
Delivered & Done is a venture project to create care packages for families of college students to give their student while they’re away from home. I strive to help eliminate the negative effects of distance on loved ones. If you’d like to check out my...
by gacklec | Nov 17, 2019 | Current Student Ventures, for Students
SkimTrax is a service that is provided via skimboarding pools! A safer way to get exposed to a new board-sport. We do rentals, demos, and lessons with the main goal of increasing the popularity of a sport that is not very accessible. These pools change this, bringing...