The Unchanged

Hello there! My name is Tommy Cha, and I am here to boost representation about the Hmong. Now, what is Hmong? It is a people and a language! I am working on a life-long project to help out the Hmong community. How will I do this? I will be creating a book about a...

Chef’s Hat

Chef’s Hat is an app we are creating to prepare and teach college students how to cook for themselves in a way that is easily accessible, affordable, and understandable. Some of the problems students run into are lack of time to prepare food, lack of knowledge on how...


Welcome to Hempstics! Our team is driven and passionate in our goal of building a community of environmental action. Our purpose at Hempstics is to provide a hemp-based biodegradable plastic water bottle that limits our community’s environmental impact while...
Makeup Artist

Makeup Artist

Hello, I’m Lucylle and as you’ve already read, I’m a makeup artist! Currently, I am working on building my brand through Instagram. This takes a lot more than you’re thinking it does, I’m sure. Figuring out the best ways to gain traction...