Our Team
Enriching lives with feedback and connection

Dr. Art Sherwood
Director, Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Art Sherwood is the David Cole Professor of Entrepreneurship in the College of Business and Economics at Western Washington University. Dr. Sherwood is the director of Western’s Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program, an Affiliated Faculty of the Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Workshop on Political Theory and Political Theory and Policy Analysis and co-founder of the Cooperative Business Research Institute.
Having completed his graduate work at Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business with a research focus on cooperative alliances, he now seeks to better understand co-operative entrepreneurship, governance and leadership. His current research also focuses on entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystems and programs that increase access for non-traditional participants. In addition to his academic work, his is an experienced entrepreneur and a member-owner of CDS Consulting Co-op through which he advises and teaches co-operative leaders throughout the United States. Learn more about Dr. S’ Liberating Structures Bellingham.

Meg Weber
I’m an entrepreneur, an innovator, and an educator. My life’s work is in providing opportunities for folks of all ages to discover passion, design purpose and live passionate, joyful professional lives.
I believe in the wild, unfettered abilities of all individuals to live more vibrant, passionate and purpose-filled lives.
People development has been my passion for as long as I can recall. I have a particular understanding of prioritization for job creation and venture execution. How amazing it can be to map forward your future.
My background is as a tech entrepreneur, leader of industry groups, educator and coach. I’m delighted to live out my life’s work as the Director of Entrepreneurship & Innovation Executive Education and as the Lead Instructor in our Entrepreneurship and Innovation Minor at Western Washington University.
Anna Priebe
Program Assistant

Hi there! My name is Anna, I’m a current E6 and Fellow on the Teaching Team. I started the Entrepreneurship minor with many passions in mind; dance, education, business, and Girl Scouts are just a few. My current venture, Delivered & Done, creates care packages for college students. Overall, my favorite part of entrepreneurship has been the inspirational classmates I’m surrounded by.
My sparks include my tap shoes and my Girl Scout lifetime pin! I love dance, and tap is my passion. As for my lifetime pin, it reminds me of commitment and community!
I would love to connect on LinkedIn, or if you’d like updates on my venture you can subscribe to the email list at deliveredanddone.net.
Reach Anna on Teams at @Anna Priebe
Schantell Hummel

My name is Schantell Hummel, and I am the Program and Events Coordinator for the Bellingham Regional Chamber of Commerce. I’m passionate about creating enjoyable and inclusive events and programs that bring the community together. I graduated from Western Washington University in June 2021 with a degree in Business Management and a minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation. I graduated from the Entrepreneurship program in Winter 2021 and have been a program assistant since the Summer of 2020.
I also am the co-owner of Essence Creative, a creative agency that combines content creation and social media management for startups and small businesses. I greatly appreciate and love the Entrepreneurship and Innovation program. I’m honored to be able to teach students and help coach them through their ventures and passions. I never thought I would become a business owner at such a young age. However, this program helped me learn and apply skills directly to my goals and passions. This Fall quarter I hope to support and coach students to create an event they are proud of.
Reach out to Schantell on Teams
Tara Boyd

My name is Tara Boyd, and I will be graduating Western Washington University with an Interdisciplinary Studies major, a minor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, and a minor in Audio Technology, Music, & Society in the spring of 2022. I graduated from the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Minor in the spring of 2020, and since then, I have been working on my own personal and professional development using tools I learned as a student in the program.
My Interdisciplinary Studies degree allows me to explore my passion for the entrepreneurial lifestyle in the context of ecological systems and holistic nutrition. I study this in hopes that I can help people build healthier relationships with themselves, their food, and Earth.
I have taken a leadership role within the program as a Fellow and have the honor of passing down my knowledge of venture creation and self-development to students.
Reach out to Tara on Teams
Adam Bullard
Program Assistant

My name is Adam Bullard, and I am a student, entrepreneur, innovator, and programmer. These are the roles I play in my life to carry out my three big passions: helping empower others, developing empathy, and learning all that I can. I am excited to bring what I have to this program as the Program Assistant! If you ever have any questions, want some advice, or just want to chat, feel free to reach out.
For some background, I am currently a senior graduating in Spring 2022 with a B.S. in Computer Science. I recently graduated from the Entrepreneurship and Innovation minor in Summer 2021. I am trying to start my own company, CoachSync, which serves life and professional development coaches by providing them with a platform to manage their business and clients. Lastly, I am also conducting research, while developing a website and mobile app, in order to establish a mentorship program for the computer science department at WWU.
You can learn more by visiting my website at adambullard.com!
Reach out to Adam on Teams
Some of our Extraordinary Students
Exploring Evidence-based Entrepreneurship