Opportunity Orientation

What greatness can happen when we lean into change?

A first Traction Journal entry, prior to Spring Quarter class.

Examining the ways of the waterfalls!
Bloom's Taxonomy for "Flipped" Classrooms; revised by Lorin Anderson

Given the circumstances (and I’ll leave it at that), the E&I program team has had to get creative about the way we approach Spring Quarter!

We’ve already shifted toward a “flipped” classroom style to free up more class time for lab work and workshops, but now that class sessions are online as well, accountability and engagement will be critical to the success of the course. 

It’s going to be super important for us to keep up our communication and 

So, what do we do? 

Look towards opportunity, and find creative ways to make things work for us all! 

Here’s a little sidebar snippet for a personal example: 


Since the Covid-19 pandemic struck, many of my friends (including two of my roommates) were out of work. However, through some networking in our community both were able to find jobs! One works for a local farm, packaging organic produce for take-home/delivery meals, and the other just started today helping at an orchard in Lynden. Both are excited to be of aid to both the community and our environment through these job changes. 

By turning our ORIENTATION toward OPPORTUNITY,  greatness can come of it! 

What about this quarter?

Right now, I’m leaning into learning WordPress to be able to offer support to my peers this quarter! This will be my first time doing web tutorials or any sort of digital IT support, but I’m looking forward to exploring the process and exercising my communication skills in a new way. 

Currently, this looks like:

  • Reviewing tutorials and troubleshooting fickle features 
  • Trying out different screencast video platforms and
  • Practicing my web presentation skills 
Looking toward opportunity!

I’m also heading up the E&I Be Team, an initiative to foster a greater Culture of Belonging within our Minor and Campus community.

If you have a project that may be in alignment with this, or you’re interested in getting involved in the movement DM or Teams me! 

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