Sparks, Desks, VP1, Etc.

What happens when you apply your passions in an unconventional way?


During our first week of E&I this quarter, we dove straight in– and it was awesome! We began by building our online community, steadily rolling along Zoom learning curve, and then introduced core concepts of Entrepreneurship & Innovation through workshops on Sparks and week-long sprint that is VP1 (with coaching teams!). 

In the Sparks workshop, I realized that my interest in Nature has increased significantly, and that I truly cherish being outdoors. It definitely influenced the way I approached VP1, with the prompt of Product Innovation! 

Since the social distancing order has been in effect, my team and I wanted to create a product that would be relevant to easing the pains of students and working professionals forced to work from home. We used ideation techniques and a quick survey to settle on innovating the lapdesk: to be portable and versatile for working at home or outside. 


We worked super fluidly together over the week, and our coaching teams definitely helped guide us over the last few days, focusing on critical areas like our pitch deck and evidence.

Though the qualitative data from our interviews was super valuable, we have yet to be able to get data sets from our surveys large enough to make for sufficient evidence. This means what’s next for us is to push for more survey responses, beef up our evidence locker and get it ready to submit next week!

It’s been awesome to both experience and exercise Cascading Mentorship with my VP1 team, working with Max (E6), Laura (E2) and Katelynn (E1). I learned a LOT from Max– his pitching style and research techniques are especially admirable to me, so I’m grateful for the chance to have worked with him! It was also great to reintroduce and teach the various canvases (BIC, BMC, Val-Prop and Test Card) to Laura and Katelynn. I feel that as an E4 I have these foundations covered and it felt natural to share, describe and apply them.


It will be interesting to grow my understanding of these canvases and tool while applying them towards my own venture over the next three quarters with VP2! I’m also looking forward to expanding on this digital platform, see what my community is up to, and to offer more support through our upcoming Quad formation. We are well on our way! ~


24 thoughts on “Sparks, Desks, VP1, Etc.

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  3. Yes innovation is key in difficult times. The beginning is the most challenging. I would say the most difficult is the building of your online community. But the learning curve is steep in the beginning, so this helps.

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  5. اگر بدنبال خرید خانه در استانبول هستید تضمین می نمائیم ضمن ارائه مطالبی مفید بمنظور شناخت بهتر شهر استانبول و کمک به شما بمنظور آشنایی با قیمت ملک و آپارتمان در قسمتهای مختلف این شهر، همراه شما باشیم با مجموعه ای از بیش از 1000 پروژه دنج و پر سودی که ما همواره در دست داریم.

    استانبول به عنوان یکی از بزرگترین شهرهای ترکیه همه ساله مقصد میلیون ها گردشگر خارجی از سراسر دنیا می باشد. استانبول تنها شهری است که بخشی از آن در قاره آسیا و بخش دیگر در اروپا قرار دارد.

    سفر به بخشهای آسیایی و اروپایی استانبول به وسیله یک پل امکان پذیر است و به همین دلیل آن را پلی بین دو قاره نیز می نامند. برای خرید ملک در استانبول ابتدا نیاز دارید تا اطلاعات بیشتری درباره این شهر زیبا داشته باشید.

  6. شرکت لوله بازکنی در تهران بزرگ یکی از برترین های این حوزه است که سالیان سال در این زمینه فعالیت دارد و خدماتی را در باز کردن انواع لوله های حمام، توالت فرنگی و ایرانی، حیات، آشپزخانه و… ✓خدمات لوله بازکنی وتخلیه ارائه می کند. چاه در تهران ✓خدمات لوله بازکنی با دستگاه تراکم هوا ✓خدمات لوله بازکنی با دستگاه موتور پمپ ✓خدمات لوله بازکنی با دستگاه قوی فنر زنی ✓انجام خدمات لوله کشی درتهران

  7. در صنایع قطعه سازی بصورت انبوه استفاده از ابزارهای کنترل هزارخاری اجتناب ناپذیر میباشند هرگونه خطای ماشینکاری در پروسه خانکشی از قبیل ساییدگی ابزار و یا لب پریده گی تعدادی از دندانه های برشی ابزار و یا ایجاد پلیسه در داخل پروفیلها و عوامل دیگر که تشخیص آنها با چشم غیر مسلح دشوار میباشد باعث تولید قطعات بصورت معیوب گشته و ایجاد خسارت سنگین به تولید کننده میگردد .

  8. طراحی‌های ما به صورت سفارشی و اختصاصی برای هر مشتری بوده و بنابراین منظور از وب‌ سایت‌های سفارشی، طراحی آن نیست. دلیل اینکه به این سایت‌ها سفارشی گفته می‌شود، خدمات ویژه‌ای است که برای طراحی آن خواسته می‌شود. معمولا افرادی که سفارش طراحی سایت را می‌دهند، شرکت و سازمان‌هایی هستند که می‌خواهند بخشی از سیستم کاغذی یا اکسل شرکت را به صورت نرم‌افزارهای موجود در وب سایت انجام دهند و یا استارت آپ‌هایی هستند که می‌خواهند یک ایده جدید و خاص را از طریق بسترهای نرم‌افزاری سایت اجرا کنند.

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  12. Loved, loved, LOVED looking through your VP1! It is very interesting seeing you guys pitch and then looking at all the “behind-the-scenes” work! I also loved reading about your love for nature. I am still struggling to find my Sparks but reading about your rediscovery of something that means a lot to you really inspires me to dig deep and discover mine! I also loved the summary of your week at the top and gives me something to think about adding to my posts! Awesome read!

    All my best // AK

    • Hey Ally! Thanks for your thoughts here 🙂 When I journal personally, I usually have to write about my experience first before getting into the deeper layers. I think it’s for context when I look back at it, and it also helps me synthesize the reflections I had during the experience.

      Thanks for checking out my VP1! Awesome! It was honestly the smoothest VP1 I’ve ever had, and the Evidence Locker looks great 😉 And I appreciate your sharing of your experience with Sparks; they exist, and will grow and change too! Let me know how I can support you in discovery process. Cheers!


  13. Hi! I really love how you laid out a flavorful narrative and walked me through the story of your first week. I was able to follow along very well and keep up with the hidden pace and beat within the words. However I couldn’t help but notice that your font size changed a couple different times through the article. If this was intentional then good on you! But personally I found it a little distracting. This does not over shadow your ability to keep interest though. You colorful wording along with making each section just the right length kept me engaged all the way to the end.

    • Thanks for the blog feedback, Hunter! I love doing my best to bring voice to text. I didn’t realize I switched fonts, woops! Not intentional; I’ll keep my eye on it in future posts. I am a formatting Queen, so I appreciate the look!

  14. I love that you hit on your source of innovation being rooted in your connection to the things you love and cherish, specifically Nature here, it’s a great entrepreneurial mindset to be out to improve the world around you in contrast with just being out for a buck. On that same line of thought, the way you used your sparks to trace the trajectory of those things most important to you now is awesome and great example for me as an E1 still feeling this class and it’s processes out! Additionally, I really like that you called out your VP1 team by name and gave them some recognition here, I think that reflects well on your team dynamic and your appreciation of the individuals. Overall, I like that the post is super succinct and hits all the beats without going close to too lengthy, definitely something I’m going to try ad absorb. Great post! 🙂

    • Thanks for these notes, Gavin! It’s important to keep entrepreneurship rooted in our Sparks so that we effectively pursue our passion! Self-discovery is key, beyond this too of course. I’m grateful to be in a Quad with such awesome E1s to connect and share with (: Thanks again!

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