Week 2

Week 2

Days 10-14

Day 10


Well, it is the start of week 2. Time is flying by, and I don’t know what to think. Speaking Spanish is getting much easier for me and I’m definitely starting to get the hang of it. It is weird because now when I go to say something it will just come out in Spanish instead of having to think of it in English and then translate it into Spanish. Another great breakfast made by my host mom and then off to class with my host dad. Lots of homework assignments but then for the Span 332 class we met Luis in a cafe to talk about our experience in Mexico City. I did homework later after class and then went back home and ate. I then did some more homework and then later than night ate some more. I also had time to play a game with my host nephew and we had a party for my youngest one month old nephew. We ate Sopes and we all played Lotería. I had the chance to finally meet all of my host siblings as well because they all came to celebrate. My host siblings are all older and have their own families and lives and do not live at home, so I was so excited when I got to meet my host siblings.

Today I went to class and also took a tour of the Museo de Tesoros where our class is located every day. They are the so nice to let us have class in their museum daily. They give us coffee and tea and cookies too! After all of our classes for the day, Sydney, Megan and I all went to Café Tal to do homework. I went to Megan’s house for dinner and then her family took us to Cristo Rey. It was so cool. It is this HUGE statue of Jesus that sits on top of a mountain (kind of like the one in Rio). We stopped along the way in many small mining towns and then when we came back we stopped to eat street food. Megan and I did not participate but we watched Megan’s host family eat it. I got back around 10pm and I plated Lotería. Then I had to practice my presentation on Narcotraffico for class the next day and after went to bed.

Day 12

Today was another usual day. Class and then homework. Today is DANCE DAY! During the first class of the day with Blanca, I had to give my presentation on Narcotraffico with Hallie. Our dance instructors were Primo and Mariana and it was so much fun! We learned the traditional dances which I really enjoyed and then after class I did more homework. While my parents were going to church, I went to Megan’s house and they bought us ice cream from a cart (too good). We went to got o the center, which is like a mall but it has a huge grocery store in it and a food court. We all ate Chinese food and then I had some stuff I had to do when I got back to my house. A pretty normal day but so fortunate that Megan’s family was always so welcoming to have me tag along and do activities with them!

Day 13

Another day of breakfast but I am continually amazed by the options for breakfast. You can have eggs, quesadillas, enchiladas, eggs, cereal, fruit, etc. the list goes on! Then went to class and to this super fun restaurant after class. The food is delicious there. Today we had another dance class and learned more steps in the dance that we’ve been learning. It was so fun. Then a group of us went to do homework and when I got back to my house, I had THE BEST MOLE! Rosy makes the best food ever! It was so delicious. After comida, I went to do more homework and then ate dinner and played Lotería with Rosy and Víctor.


There was a 4.6 magnitude earthquake in Washington today which was shocking to wake up to. The earthquake was close to my house which is pretty scary! I had class in the morning and then after that we had our last class with Primo and Mariana. Our entire class was so sad that dance week is coming to an end. After dance class, Megan, Hallie and I all met our moms in the Jardín and they brought us sandwiches for lunch. Then we went with them to do all of the fun events with the wives of the engineers. All of these women have come from all over Mexico to go to the engineering convention that was happening in Guanajuato. We followed a group of singers/band through the street and sang/danced along. We also walked around and took pics of their group. Then we all went to dinner at a restaurant in La Plaza de La Paz and we had enchiladas (sin queso of course) and they had a mariachi band (Megan’s favorite)!! After the long day of walking, we went back home and I had to pack because our next weekend adventure was starting tomorrow. We were going to Querétaro tomorrow.