San Miguel de Allende

San Miguel de Allende

Weekend Excursion #3

Day 22

Today our group left for San Miguel De Allende. We went to the hotel first and then went to the POOL! It was so fun! After that, we went into the city and had free time. The big film festival was going on in the city so there was a live band performing. The singer performed on a huge stage. Then, we went to dinner at an Argentinian restaurant. We had some more free time and it was a fun time to walk around and look and shop and just bond and hang out with the other friends in the group because we don’t have TONS of free time during the week. Back to the hotel after that and I roomed with Hallie this time!


Today was a later start. We all ate breakfast at different times and then went to a beautiful church that had the story of Jesus painted on it and had free time. After free time, we went to another place with Aztec ruins. We took a bus to a location and then had to walk from there to the location of the temple. We left the Aztec ruins, and all went to eat dinner at Pollo Feliz. This is like the closest thing to fast food in México. Then we went back to Guanajuato and arrived around 8:30.