The Final Week

The Final Week

Week #5 and Final Goodbyes

Day 31

Today was class AND Felipe’s birthday!!! We all went around and had to give Felipe complements during class. Then he gave all of us a complement back at Luis’s request. After the first class, we went to a taco restaurant to celebrate and then had SALSA CLASS. I need to point out that salsa is NOT for the weak stomach-ed. Salsa is so fun and I loved it. I was walking to my hair appointment because I have finally decided to color it, and it only took 20 years. During my walk, it started POURING rain. I was soaked and my pants were 100% wet on every surface. My hair appointment took 3 hours and then I was picked up from the salon. I absolutely love my hair, they did an amazing job. It’s so new and refreshing. I started to get some of my stuff organized because somehow I accumulated a lot of items over the course of the last 4 and a half weeks.

Can you believe that it is already the second to last day of July? WOW! I can’t believe how fast time has flown by. I am so sad to have to leave soon. Today we had our normal class in the morning, then most of the group went somewhere for lunch. Then we had another salsa class. Unfortunately, I did so many vueltas that I had to sit down because I got so dizzy. Like I said, “not for the weak stomached.”

Today, I went to Megan’s house and had enchiladas. We also did some homework. Then, we set off to go all the way to the top of the mountain but it was really high up there. I wasn’t feeling too great, so I am glad we didn’t go any higher than we did. My mom picked all of us up and we went back home. The view from the place we stopped on the mountain was amazing! It was basically a view of the entire city of Guanajuato from high above.

Second to last day of class and last day of July. Where did the time go? I can’t believe that in just 3 days I will be back home in Seattle. Had class today and we went to the Don Quijote museum. It was interesting to see all of the different exhibits put in by different artists. After that, I went with Phillip, Eva, Aileen, Sarah, and Michaela to Bahn Mi’s and then we had salsa class. After salsa, I went to Cafe Tal with Natalie, Chasen, and Sydney to work on our project, and then went home and ate.I sat in the garden with her while my mom planted her plants and I did my homework. Then we rested for a while and had dinner later.

Day 34

AUGUST 1st! Wow! In between classes, Megan and I went to our favorite art shop to buy more art for Megan. Then we had salsa class and then I went back home to eat. I went to the store to get some things with my host mom then I went to pack my stuff. I hope that I don’t forget anything! I was going to go out with my friends but opted not to. Instead, I played Lotería!

Day 35

The last day. My mom took Hallie, Emilio and I to La Casa de las Leyendas but unfortunately it was closed. Instead, we went to see El Museo Casa de Tieaura. So scary!! It was a haunted house. I was so scared the entire time I made Emilio walk in front of me. Next, we went to the Mummy Museum. It was interesting and I am glad that I went. I then went to our final group lunch, and then My family went to Sydney’s house with Megan and Hallie’s families. We sang songs with her dad while he played the guitar and her dad taught us songs in Spanish. It was the perfect way to end such an amazing trip.

Today I head home. I met Megan at the airport, and we had to say goodbye to our families. I can’t express the gratitude I have to everyone that made this program a possibility. When I thought about studying abroad, I never thought that México would be my final destination, but now I can’t picture it any other way. It was good to be back home with my family, but I am definitely looking forward to my next trip back to México to visit. My views of México will be made from this trip because it was the first time I had ever been to México and I am glad that this was the experience that defines what my vision of México is.

Gracias por todos Guanajuato. Nunca olvidará este experiencia y quiero regresar pronto!

Te voy a extrañar.