Peer-reviewed publications
1.)M. From, Z. Altounian ; Brillouin Light Scattering study of Fe/Ag Multilayers.
Submitted for publication.
I was the main contributor to this paper (roughly 80%). I did the BLS measurements, analysis of the data, and wrote the text. My colleague, Zaven Altounian, provided samples and suggested some changes to the text.
2.) C. Eyrich, A. Zamani, M. Arora, W. Huttema, D. Harrison, F. Rashidi, D. Broun, B. Heinrich, E. Girt, O. Myrasov, O. Karis, P. Jonsson, M. From, X. Zhu; Effects of substitution on the exchange stiffness and magnetization of Co films. Physical Review B 90, 235408 (2014).
I contributed a relatively small amount to this paper (roughly 15%), by way of Brillouin Light Scattering measurements done at WWU. Another author, Duncan Harrison is a WWU alum and former research student of mine. However at the time of the article being published he was a graduate student at SFU.
3.) C. Eyrich, W. Huttema, M. Arora, E. Montoya, F. Rashidi, C. Burrowes, B. Kardasz, E. Girt, B. Heinrich, O. Myrasov, M. From, and O. Karis; Exchange stiffness in thin film Co alloys. Journal of Applied Physics 111 07C919 (2012) (My main contribution to this papers was in the form of Brillouin Light Scattering (BLS) measurements on samples prepared at Simon Fraser University.)
4.) M. From, L. Cheng, Z. Altounian; Brillouin light scattering study of Fe15วบPdx multilayers. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 270, p38-42 (2004)
5.) D.A. Donavan, B.L. Bingham, M. From, A.F. Fleisch, E.S. Loomis; Effects of barnacle encrustation on the swimming behaviour, energetics, morphometry, and drag coefficient of the scallop Chlamys hastata. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 83, p813-819 (2003)
6.) T.Key, R.Smidrovskis, M.From; Measuring the Speed of Sound in a Solid. The Physics Teacher 38 (Feb 2000) p 76-77
7.) J.F.Cochran, M.From, B.Heinrich; Dependence of antiStokes/Stokes intensity ratios on substrate optical properties for Brillouin lightscattering from ultrathin Iron Films, Journal of Applied Physics 83 (1998) p.6296-6298
8.) B.Heinrich, M.From, J.F.Cochran, M.Kowalewski, D.Altan, Z.Celinski, K.Myrtle; MBE growth and FMR, BLS and MOKE studies of exchange coupling in Fe whisker/Cr/Fe(001) and in Fe/Cu/Fe(001) loose spin structures. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 140-144(1995) p.545–548
9.) M.From, L.X.Liao, J.F.Cochran, B.Heinrich; Temperature dependence of the exchange coupling in Fe(001) Whisker/Cr/Fe structures. Journal of Applied Physics 75 (1994) p.6181-6183
10.) B.Heinrich, Z.Celinski, L.X.Liao, M.From, J.F.Cochran; Loose spins in Fe/Cu/Fe(001) structures.Journal of Applied Physics 75 (1994) p.6187-6189
11.) B.Heinrich, M.From, J.F.Cochran, L.X.Liao, Z.Celinski, K.Schneider, K.Myrtle; Studies of exchange coupling in Fe(001) Whisker/Cr/Fe Structures using BLS and RHEED techniques. Proceedings of the 1993 meeting of the Materials Research Society. p.119-28
12.) M.From, J.F.Cochran, B.Heinrich, Z.Celinski; Investigation of the dependence of BLS frequencies on angle of incidence for thin Fe films. Journal of Applied Physics 73 (1993) p.6754-6756
13.) B.Heinrich, Z.Celinski, J.F.Cochran, M.From; Bilinear and biquadratic exchange coupling in Fe whisker/Cr/Fe(001) structures. Proceedings of the Nato Advanced Research Workshop on Magnetism and Structure in Systems of Reduced Dimension, Cargese (Corsica) ed. R.F.C.Farrow, Plenum Press, New York, (1992) p.1-19
14.) J.F.Cochran, J.M.Rudd, M.From, B.Heinrich, W.Bennett, W.Schwarzacher,W.F. Egelhoff,Jr.; Magnetic Anisotropies in Ultrathin fcc Fe(001) Films Grown on Cu(001) Substrates. Physical Review B 45 no. 9 (1992) p.4676-4685
15.) M.From and W.B.Muir; Temperature and Composition Dependence of Mg Based Amorphous Alloy Structure Factors. Physical Review B 45 no. 2 (1992) p.673-678
16.) P.P.Freitas, L.V.Melo, I.Trindade, M.From, J.Ferreira, P.Monteiro;Antiferromagnetic exchange and magnetoresistance enhancement in Co-Re superlattices Physical Review B 45 (1992) 2495-2498
17.) P.P.Freitas, L.V.Melo, I.Trindade, M.From; Antiferromagnetic exchange and magnetoresistance enhancement in ultrathin Co-Re sandwiches Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 116 (1992) p.92-94
18.) L.V.Melo, I.Trindade, M.From, P.P.Freitas, N.Teixeira, M.F. da Silva,J.C.Soares; Structural characterization of Co-Re superlattices Journal of Applied Physics 70} (1991) p.7370-7373
19.) M.From and W.B.Muir; The Faber-Ziman Resistivity of Amorphous MgxZn1-x. Materials Science and Engineering, A 133 (1991) p.72-75
20.) P.P.Freitas, M.From, L.V.Melo, T.S.Plaskett; Magnetoresistance enhancement in Gd-Y Bilayers. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 93,(1991), p.485-8
21.) P.P.Freitas, M.From, L.V.Melo, T.S.Plaskett; Magnetic and Transport Properties of Sputtered Gd-Y Multilayers. Journal of Applied Physics, 69, no.8, pt. 2A, (1991) p.4532-4
22.) M. From, W.B. Muir; Thermoelectric Power of Fe-Zr and Co-Zr Metallic Glasses. Physical Review B, 33 (1986) p. 3736-39
23.) T. Matsuda, U. Mizutani, W.B. Muir, M. From; On the Thermopower of Amorphous Mg-Zn Alloys, Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics, 14, (1984) p. L21-L23
24.) W.B. Muir, Z. Altounian, M. From, J.O. Strom-Olsen; Thermopower Of Fe-Zr Metallic Glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 61&62 (1984) p. 1115-1120