About Me

Hi there. My name is Paavo Saari and I’m a pretty alright guy.

Some things I enjoy is gecs and (insert personality trait here).
I do not like black licorice, so do not give it to me. Please do not. Please god no, not the black licorice. Anything but the black licorice.

I have not been to the east coast, but I would like to some day.

I made some videos that you can look at if you want. Here look. Look. They’re on my website right here. I made this website too and I put my videos on it so you could look at them and. Do you like them? I didn’t put a comments section because I don’t want to know.




Practicing directions.

So that’s pretty much me. Stop in, pour yourself a drink, hang around for a while. There’s plenty to do and plenty to see in

  • Paavo Saari’s Notable Achievement Emporium 🙂