The word Limner was first used in Medieval times to describe manuscript illuminators, and was later revived to define the self-employed, independent artists of Colonial America. When the Limney Gallery opened in 1987, it was infamous for its controversial and provocative exhibitions, and hasn’t shied away from the tradition since. The gallery is celebrating its 29th annual competition devoted to the discovery and promotion of emerging artists. 

The competition is open internationally to all artists 18 years of age or older. They accept all forms of painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, graphics, digital and installation art, video, etc. While entries have to adhere to certain physical restraints for exhibition, the topic of your art is completely up to you. The gallery doesn’t shy away from difficult topics and prefers art that engages in the absurdity of the uncomfortable or reprehensible.

The competition offers a $1,000 cash reward and exhibits all winning pieces in their gallery for the month of March. There is a $35 fee for entry of up to 4 pieces, with fee scaling for more entries up to 10. The deadline for the competition is November 30, 2020. This is a great chance for students to submit their artwork in a competition celebrating emerging professional artists. 

For further details (terms, fees, copyright, etc) see the ENTRY PAGE.

Entry page link: