1. Move the cutter up to the head of the machine, if it was left down previously.

2. Open the clamp by pulling the lever down towards you.

3. Load the board into the cutter from the left.

4. Use the measuring guide to place your board. The blade will slice in the middle of the channel.

5. Close the clamp by pushing the lever back up – this will hold your board in place for a more precise cut.

6. Move cutter blade to the edge of your board, making a tiny slice in the board. You can use this slice to check your measurements and ensure your board is cut to the right size.

7. Slowly and firmly cut your board by pulling the blade downwards.

8. Open the clamp and remove your board. Reset the blade back to the top of the machine for the next user.

Be careful when operating the cutter – and ask a lab tech for assistance if you have any questions!