Tilt-Shift and Wiggle 3-D

Tilt-Shift Example
Examples of Tilt-Shift Photography

While reading the first section of the book regarding depth of field, I was reminded of this remarkable trick of photography called ’tilt-shifting’ where a short depth of field is simulated on a long one, resulting in a ‘miniature effect’. This can be done with the camera or in imaging editing software.

Wiggle 3-D
‘Wiggle’ Stereoscopy

I have my great grandfathers stereoscopic camera which he used to take many photos of his travels around the world, and a lot of the slides he made of the resulting dual pictures. When reading the portion about stereoscopic cameras, I noticed they left this more modern application of the camera out. Computers can be used to make the pictures switch quickly between one another and force a 3-D ‘Wiggle’. This can also be an example of Parallax error, if you were to switch between a viewfinder’s view and the lens view, you would get the same result

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