Well I’m going to combine a few of these…
The Essential Way
Mainly review, because it goes over how to load, develop and process film. I actually read the filters part at the beginning because I don’t know much about them and I hate tungsten light, especially with night shots.
Vision: Tools, Materials & Processes
Yup, remember reading this in 290. However, it made a lot more sense now to review the viewfinder camera.
Reproductive Processes & Tools
I found the information on trouble-shooting negatives really helpful. It’s easy to just accept that a negative is weird or messed up and forget about it, but there are things you can do. Also, I love the contact sheet on 271. I’ve always been into collage, and creating one image out of many. That’s something I’d like to try out with 35 mm.
The rest was a lot of information on Photoshop and Lightroom. Not really something I’m going to read now, but it’s a nice reference point for when I’m using the programs. Heh I also like the rug on pg. 314