WWU Labyrinth 2014! SUBMIT!!!!!!

Hey folks! 

Have your work published and shown in the VU Gallery in March! 

I talked to some of you today about the Labyrinth Journal that is put on through the women’s center. 

For those of you who didn’t hear about it (or who wanted a reminder), Labyrinth is an opportunity for you to have your fine art and written work published and hung in the VU gallery. This years theme is “Communities Unbound.” The work you submit should somehow fit this theme. ALSO IT’S FREE! 

Below, I’ve copied the description from the Facebook page as well as the link to the submissions page. 
GET ON IT! Submissions are DUE FRIDAY, January 10th! 

Submit here: http://bit.ly/wwulabyrinth14

Facebook: Labyrinth Literary Journal

The Women’s Center Labyrinth Literary Journal is proud to present the 2013-14 theme: Communities (Un)bound, an exploration of privilege and oppression when accessing, being denied, and moving through circles of communities.

One definition of community is, “a group of people living together in one place practicing common ownership.” As individuals, we are all made up of many different identities, and each of us interacts with these experiences in different ways. Some examples are ability, age, gender, heritage, class, and nationality among many other identities. We must keep in mind that one community cannot represent the entirety of an individual’s experience nor can spaces always be accessed by people between agencies. How does inclusion and exclusion play a role in your life? This journal strives to honor intersectionality and to offer voices to our multiple identities. 

Labyrinth was first published through the Women’s Center in the 1970’s by volunteers and inspiring minds. Themes and topics focused on addressing women’s rights and problems that are still influencing our society today. Over the years, Labyrinth has expanded its range to encompass more issues that intersect with and go beyond sex discrimination like ability, class, race, national heritage, age, societal pressure, laws and regulations, reproductive rights, access to healthcare, and many more topics. Labyrinth is for everyone to access, experience, and to share their stories.

Volunteer reading opportunities are available!

For questions, comments, or more information please contact Logan Brouelette atas.wc.creative.programming@wwu.edu.

You can also visit the Women’s Center in Viking Union 514 or call us at 360-650-6114.


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