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There is a very critical lens over the prison system that watches every contract and policy in the news. Recently prisons in Utah have switched over in-person visits to video chats. They can allow people who are further away to stay in contact with prisoners but not for without a fee. The rates differ upon the county and can be very expensive for some people. Some people say that it is helpful with reconnecting to loved ones but others feel that it is a rather impersonal way to connect with people (Miller, 2019).

Recently there has been a critical lens on the prison system through mass incarceration and prison policy. The film, 13th, on Netflix takes a critical look at the prison industrial complex with a racial lens. They talk about how people and movements in the past have affected the current state we are in today with multiple guest speakers that talk about the history and their personal experiences within the prison system (DuVernay, 2019).


DuVernay, A. (Director). (2016). 13th [Motion Picture]. United States: Netflix.

Miller, J. (2019, November 2). As Utah jails embrace video technology, in-person visits are being eliminated. Retrieved from