The success of most any group project depends upon the communication and collaboration within the team. Discussion, delegation, and delivering – these are core tenants of our team at Project ZeNETH. As our vision and team grows, however, we are tasked with bringing in new energies and channeling them appropriately.
Currently, ZeNETH is in a teaming phase and we are meeting with Western students who have stepped forward as possible designers. These up and coming design students will help us dial in exactly what we need in this tiny house, and just as importantly, what we don’t need.
Looking to create the most substantial impact possible with our work, our team has been envisioning a collaborative and maybe even competitive regional event that hosts various schools also tasked with building a net zero tiny house. We are currently speaking with students from the University of Washington who carry similar aspirations to us, and we would like to expand our network of schools to include tech schools. This notion of creating an event was brought to us by our faculty adviser, Imran, who was a graduate student at UC Berkeley and was able to compete in such a gathering there.
I was able to visit the Washington Oregon Higher Education Sustainability Conference at Portland State University last week. This was an incredible event that wove together equity and inclusivity into the traditional “environmentalist” framework to allow for more critical inquiry into what the sustainability movement means. At the conference, I was able to meet many inspired students and staff of PNW schools who were excited to learn about what we’re doing at Western.
If you are reading this and feel like you have something to offer our team in any way, please reach out to us at:
Thanks for reading!
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