On May 11. sixteen members of Project ZeNETH presented before the Sustainable Action Fund committee. This student funded grant is available to all Western students who are working on developing a sustainably focused project at the University.
We believe ZeNETH exemplifies the vision for the SAF, and after hearing our presentation the committee voted unanimously to approve the conceptual application of our project! This doesn’t mean we are finished with the process, but it does mark a significant milestone for our team.
Receiving this grant would allow our team to confidently develop our design and begin making purchases for the build come Fall quarter. Not only does our growing team benefit from the approval of this project, but the entire Western community is one step closer to engaging with sustainable design in practice on campus. We’re pretty sure this is worth our late nights of grant writing and e-mails.
We’ll be presenting to the SAF committee again next Friday with the final version of our grant proposal. Wish us luck!
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