Yesterday afternoon marked a real turning point for Project ZeNETH. After months of talking, designing, and finagling, our team made its first major purchase. We commissioned Iron Eagle Trailers in Oregon to produce their 30 foot PAD Series trailer, which is specifically designed for building mobile tiny houses. Any good house needs a great foundation, and this trailer comes highly recommended by other builders, and even the independent delivery company that brought us our trailer mentioned how well-built this product is, even speeding down the interstate.
We’ve attached the spec sheet for our Iron Eagle trailer, and our conceptual flooring framing design is shown below, as designed by A1DesignBuild. One of the major perks of this trailer is with the built-in subfloor that will allow for great insulation opportunities. Net zero energy building is all about energy efficiency!
We are thrilled to get started on the build here in Bellingham in the next few weeks. If you’re interested in working on the build, please reach out to us at: