![Science Party aboard The CCGS Tully Deploying and Recovering OBS on the Queen Charlotte Fault](https://wp.wwu.edu/rolandlab/files/2021/09/IMG_5520.jpeg)
After much much thinking, proposing, planning, writing, conference calling, scheduling, (pulling hair out), conference calling, emailing, testing, quarantining, and then WORKING, the data acquisition phase of the Queen Charlotte Seismic Experiment has finally been executed with shocking success! This is an NSF-funded project in collaboration with USGS and Canadian collaboration, to study the transpressional tectonics and seismic hazards of the plate-boundary fault that extends from southwest British Columbia to the Gulf of Alaska. Active source seismic and OBS operations were completed on the RV Marcus G. Langseth, and OBS operations (124 recoveries and deployments to be exact) were conducted on the CCGS Tully with Emily, Kevin and Lazaro Roland Lab members all sailing on month-long cruises this summer. Whales, weather and amazing science and technical teams all pitched in to make for an extremely successful set of cruises. Read all the details here: https://qcfhazards.net/.
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