Monthly Archives: May 2017

Top Rules for Outdoor Fun

Bioluminescent plankton viewing is a trick. Some challenges include finding ocean where bioluminescent plankton live, go at the right season, and waiting for dark. I was reminded of this after going for a bike ride/bioluminescence swim with the Outdoor Center on May 3rd 2017. That execution and the snow showing execution I experienced in winter got me thinking about the top essentials of outdoor executions. Of course, as a lifetime member of Girl Scouts who spent a lot of time outside in the summers I know many essentials, but these excursions, especially snowshoeing made me think about the top essentials, true for most any execution.  I also learned essentials for snow, which I didn’t learn through Scouting in the summer.

Essentials in no particular order:

  • Know the current and predicted conditions
  • Have proper gear (10nessentuals, appropriate layers…)
  • Other humans
  • A positive attitude. If you can’t achieve this get as close to one as you can.
  • Knowledge of how to be safe
  • Away to record memories and sights
  • Flexible plan
View from Artist Point, near Mt. Baker, WA. A distant peak is half covered by clouds, sun bounces off snow which covers everything.

For snow:

  • Skis or snowshoes and a roll up plastic sled. You’re going to want to sled down the hills if you snowshoe, so bring a roll up sled or large shovel, but the sled is easier to slide down the hills on. Don’t just where waterproof hiking boots because your feet will fall in the snow and get cold.
  • Sun protection including sun screen and sun glasses. If the sun shines at all it will bounce of the snow and be extra bright.
  • Hot chocolate

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