A Delicious Fall Treat

Halloween is over. And the question arises: What to do with that beautiful pumpkin I decorated and don’t want to just discard in the compost?

my pumpkin, as Deep Space 9

Well, I ate it. I took half a sandwich, ripped it up and put it inside the baked pumpkin with some milk, and baked it some more, till the sandwich was a yummy gooey mess. Then I dug in and ate it.

For dessert, I had baked pumpkin with cinnamon and brown sugar and cinnamon baked seeds. So good.

Here is the recipe and instructions:

ingredients: small pumpkin, sandwich- I used a croissant, bacon and cheddar sandwich, cinnamon, brown sugar, canola oil

tools: baking sheet, knife- doesn’t need to be sharp, spoon, hand protection from hot objects, oven, cleaning supplies


First bake the pumpkin. Place it on the baking sheet, use the knife to poke a hole in pumpkin. Bake at 350 for about an hour. I know that’s a long time, but you want a soft pumpkin to eat! Then use the knife to remove the top of the pumpkin. Since it was baked fist a  butter knife should work fine, I used one. Use the knife and spoon to remove the seeds and stringy bits. The stringy bits are harder to eat and not tasty. Place the seeds on the baking sheet with the pumpkin. Pour a little oil on the seeds and then sprinkle on cinnamon. The oil helps the cinnamon to stick to the seeds, but isn’t necessary. Fill the pumpkin with torn up piece of sandwich and a splash of milk. Put the pumpkin back in the oven. I would suggest a half hour, but this part is up to you.  Keep an eye (or nose) on on the seeds! When I took the pumpkin out of the oven again, the seeds where done, the sandwich had turned to yummy goo, and I was happy with my meal. I ate the filling and some of the pumpkin for dinner. For dessert, I peeled away the skin, leaving a jumble of pumpkin (the remainders of pumpkin from dinner), which I mixed with cinnamon and brown sugar. Once your done eating, make sure to clean up!


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