A Journey Through Beta’s Mysterious Basement

Rumer has it there’s a sauna under one of Westerns dorms. I lived there. It’s real. Let’s take a look.

Here is the entrance.

Wait no. Not that mysteririous gray door.

The other one around the corrner. We’ll go back to that one, later.

I’ll just use my specil key to open the door. Hear we are. Awwwwwwww. It’s so bright!

That’s better. Two shower stalls.

A bathroom, with another gray door. I wonder where that goes?

A trap door

And the sauna.

On the wall there are names and meseges. This one’s my favioret. NO DIVING.

OK, let’s go back to the first mysterious gray door.

It’s bike storege

and lots of pipes

and more mysteriuos gray doors. What’s behind them? Matenece. Really not likely much of a mystery. But we can’t go there, I don’t have the keys.

one of three gray doors in the bike room

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