Another In A Minute: Language Or The Kiss

  • Tittle: I Can Have Another You In A Minute

    Sub: A comic for space, music, and bad hand-drawing lovers

    By: Ruth Ewald

  • S1E6 Language Or The Kiss

  •  Doc: Hey Ry! Come join us!                                                                                                   Ry: Hey what up?                                                                                                   Doc: You know how Ray doesn’t have vocal cords or spoken language?                            Ry: I didn’t know that.                                                                                         Doc: Ray can you show Ry how much you’ve learned?                                                               Ray: Hi. Ry. Doc what should I tell her?                                                     Doc: Tell her something about yourself. Maybe what we did last night.

  • Ray: Oh, I know! Last time we [Doc and I] talked we were lying on our backs, in the green ring looking through the ceiling. Doc told me about Orion. Lots of um arrows and kissy stuff.

  •        Ry: Wow Rey, great story.   Doc you’re a great parent and teaching her well!        Doc: Thanks, Ry!

Some words in this episode are from the song Language Or The Kiss by The Indigo Girls in the album Swamp Ophelia

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