Another In A Minute: Fight The Power



    Tittle: I Can Have Another You In A Minute

    Sub: A comic for space, music, and bad hand-drawing lovers

    By: Ruth Ewald







                                      S1E7 Fight The Power


  •               Ry: Morning Doc!                                                                                                      Doc: Heading to ops?                                                                                                            Ry: Yeah.                                                                                                    Narrator: Then there was silence.                                                                                                Ry: How did you end up on the station?                                                                    Doc: Well…

  • Doc: I went to a bar a few years ago. I was thinking about applying. But hadn’t been fired up. That Speech though…

  • Speaker: Gotta give us what we want, gotta give us what we need. Our freedom of speech is freedom or death. We got to fight. How will you change your life to change the world?

  • Doc: It struck a chord with me. I seriously considered my options and I applied.

  • Doc: I got accepted and went up here to get some more training, particularly in engineering of the station, and our tactics. Then I graduated and got to work.

  • Admiral: We are proud to welcome our newest crew members aboard the station. Chambers in safety, Doc in engineering…

Some words in this episode are from the song Fight the Power by Public Enemy in the album Revolverlution

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