Monthly Archives: March 2020

Closing Time

Every day in Washington state is the end of the world as we knew it. And most of us still feel…healthy. With more concern, overblown or not, new developments take place every time we blink. Everything, everything must be canceled, moved online, or delayed. And with that folks, the 20’s prohibition has begun. This time alcohol is not outright banded, but when the last bar closed this morning, no bar that is regulated by the state will reopen until Gov. Jay Inslee degrees it. Not that I drink, but I do enjoy night life now and then, especially with nothing much else to do.

a blurry street with Dead End sign
Walking home in the morning…

I’m an extrovert. I need people. Real people, not just internet zoom sessions. I want to walk you through my day. Mostly so I can air my frustrations on this whole sitch. I hope that if you’re feeling isolated because “social distancing” has canceled your life, you can rage with me. Cause of course this isn’t the only topic you talk about when ever you come face to face with people. Continue reading Closing Time