More Than Just Pepperoni Pizza

Today I went to the Ridgeway commons at 11. I was surprised. There where notices of where the local food came from, edible flowers spread through out the area and a verity of unusual (even for the commons) food options. Hear is an almost accurate list of what was on the menu. This experience made me think about what the Commons serves.

Food at the commons falls under three categorizes: Familiar To Most Students, Somewhat Out There, and Commons Creative.

Familiar To Most Students are food products that appear every day, and food under the comfort station. This is  foods such as your pepperoni

Image result for salad bar

pizza,  salad bar, cereal, hamburgers, deli, and comfort meals such as pasta with boiled brussel sprouts and pork.

Somewhat Out There is food is mostly Americanized foreign food. This type of food is inspired by food from other countries, usually, but not always bland,

sometimes strange and often served repeatedly through out the year. There is an international station, though this food might also be served at the Soup, Vegan, or the Exhibition stations. A favorite of the commons is chicken tikka masala. Also popular are burritos, and (as the Commons calls it:)Asian beef with rice and spinach or broccoli.Image result for beef AND broccoli

Commons Creative is food that I have only seen at the Commons or I saw once at the commons and was surprised because it was not like most of the food available. These foods are particularly creative.

Today, for example there was the “loaded potato pizza” with mashed potatoes, cheddar cheese, bacon and the butternut squash soup. On other days I might find autumn nectar flat bead, a piece of flat bread with squash on top or coconut flavored rice.

This is the basic types of what food I might find for lunch or dinner at my Commons, I hope you enjoyed reading!yellow, white and brown pizza on wood pattern plate

3 thoughts on “More Than Just Pepperoni Pizza

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