Another In A Minute: Church Bells and Dancing Song

  • Tittle: I Can Have Another You In A Minute

    Sub: A comic for space, music, and bad hand-drawing lovers

    By: Ruth Ewald



                                      S1E10: Dancing Song

  • Narrator:  That whole choir singing.

  • Ry: You’re the one that I saw! You abducted me.                                                    Show us how you did it.

  • Dan: Here’s our transporter. We had to test our technology: we’re in a war you see. Had to know if our weapon would work on humans, without reviling our tec to the humans from here.




Two episode special this week!

  • Tittle: I Can Have Another You In A Minute

    Sub: A comic for space, music, and bad hand-drawing lovers

    By: Ruth Ewald





                                      S1E9 Church Bells




    Narrator: and she could hear those church bells ringing, ringing.





    Jones: While on a holosuite, Brownsteine and Ry where transported off station to an alien planet, and Brownstein was shot.





                                                       Nat: I would suggest





                                                       we send myself,










                        and Brownstein or Ry to find to know how the aliens did it.




    Simon: Send Doc, they can figure out alien tec as well as I, and I can’t leave the station.                                                                                                                                   Brownstein: Send Ry. I was shot!

Some words in these episodes are from the songs Church Bells and Dancing Song ‘97 by Carrie Underwood and Sleater Kinney in Storyteller and Dig Me Out, all respectively.

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