Category Archives: Another in a Minute 

Another In A Minute: Woop For Joy

  • Tittle: I Can Have Another You In A Minute

    Sub: A comic for space, music, and bad hand-drawing lovers

    By: Ruth Ewald





                                         S1E1: Woop For Joy













Some words in this episode from the song I Don’t Know Why by Norah Jones in the album Come Away With Me.

Another In A Minute: Church Bells and Dancing Song

  • Tittle: I Can Have Another You In A Minute

    Sub: A comic for space, music, and bad hand-drawing lovers

    By: Ruth Ewald



                                      S1E10: Dancing Song

  • Narrator:  That whole choir singing.

  • Ry: You’re the one that I saw! You abducted me.                                                    Show us how you did it.

  • Dan: Here’s our transporter. We had to test our technology: we’re in a war you see. Had to know if our weapon would work on humans, without reviling our tec to the humans from here.




Two episode special this week!

  • Tittle: I Can Have Another You In A Minute

    Sub: A comic for space, music, and bad hand-drawing lovers

    By: Ruth Ewald





                                      S1E9 Church Bells




    Narrator: and she could hear those church bells ringing, ringing.





    Jones: While on a holosuite, Brownsteine and Ry where transported off station to an alien planet, and Brownstein was shot.





                                                       Nat: I would suggest





                                                       we send myself,










                        and Brownstein or Ry to find to know how the aliens did it.




    Simon: Send Doc, they can figure out alien tec as well as I, and I can’t leave the station.                                                                                                                                   Brownstein: Send Ry. I was shot!

Some words in these episodes are from the songs Church Bells and Dancing Song ‘97 by Carrie Underwood and Sleater Kinney in Storyteller and Dig Me Out, all respectively.

Another In A Minute: Rocky Raccoon

  • Tittle: I Can Have Another You In A Minute

    Sub: A comic for space, music, and bad hand-drawing lovers

    By: Ruth Ewald





                                      S1E8 Rocky Raccoon

  • Ry: Mahia, come on it’ll be fun!                                                                                             Brownstein: OK. I’ll try it. But computer narration has to be on.                              Ry: Computer start Dreams 5, with narration.

  • Computer: Named Rocky Raccoon. And one day his woman ran off with another guy.

  • Computer: Daniel was hot Daniel: Hot Dan. and drew first and shot.

  • Ry: Computer why isn’t the safety on?

  • Dan: We’re far from your home. He he. We needed to know if the Weapon would on humans. Sending you back now.





                                      To Be Continued…

    This panel by Chris Ewald 

Some words in this episode are from the song Rocky Raccoon by The Beatles in The White Album

Another In A Minute: Fight The Power



    Tittle: I Can Have Another You In A Minute

    Sub: A comic for space, music, and bad hand-drawing lovers

    By: Ruth Ewald







                                      S1E7 Fight The Power


  •               Ry: Morning Doc!                                                                                                      Doc: Heading to ops?                                                                                                            Ry: Yeah.                                                                                                    Narrator: Then there was silence.                                                                                                Ry: How did you end up on the station?                                                                    Doc: Well…

  • Doc: I went to a bar a few years ago. I was thinking about applying. But hadn’t been fired up. That Speech though…

  • Speaker: Gotta give us what we want, gotta give us what we need. Our freedom of speech is freedom or death. We got to fight. How will you change your life to change the world?

  • Doc: It struck a chord with me. I seriously considered my options and I applied.

  • Doc: I got accepted and went up here to get some more training, particularly in engineering of the station, and our tactics. Then I graduated and got to work.

  • Admiral: We are proud to welcome our newest crew members aboard the station. Chambers in safety, Doc in engineering…

Some words in this episode are from the song Fight the Power by Public Enemy in the album Revolverlution

Another In A Minute: Language Or The Kiss

  • Tittle: I Can Have Another You In A Minute

    Sub: A comic for space, music, and bad hand-drawing lovers

    By: Ruth Ewald

  • S1E6 Language Or The Kiss

  •  Doc: Hey Ry! Come join us!                                                                                                   Ry: Hey what up?                                                                                                   Doc: You know how Ray doesn’t have vocal cords or spoken language?                            Ry: I didn’t know that.                                                                                         Doc: Ray can you show Ry how much you’ve learned?                                                               Ray: Hi. Ry. Doc what should I tell her?                                                     Doc: Tell her something about yourself. Maybe what we did last night.

  • Ray: Oh, I know! Last time we [Doc and I] talked we were lying on our backs, in the green ring looking through the ceiling. Doc told me about Orion. Lots of um arrows and kissy stuff.

  •        Ry: Wow Rey, great story.   Doc you’re a great parent and teaching her well!        Doc: Thanks, Ry!

Some words in this episode are from the song Language Or The Kiss by The Indigo Girls in the album Swamp Ophelia

Another In A Minute: O Death

  • Tittle: I Can Have Another You In A Minute

    Sub: A comic for space, music, and bad hand-drawing lovers

    By: Ruth Ewald




                                     S1E5: O Death



                Nelson: Oh shoot, my old injury’s acting up again. These spasms suck.



                                  Nelson: Brain injury. From fighting on the Rock.                                  Brownstein: Tell me more about fighting, I got this magic stick that’ll cure anything.                     Nelson: On Earth, every morning we [her group] would pray.






     Nelson’s group: Oh death, Whoooah death

    Death won’t your spare           

    Me over another year






    Nelson: One morning there was an explosion. I was injured. I was fixed up as best as possible.



                                      Brownstein: You’re all cured!                                                                                                 Nelson: Thanks, Brownstein!

Some words in this episode are from the song Oh Death Sung by Ralph Stanley in the soundtrack album for O Brother, Where Art Thou?

Another In A Minute: Turn Me On

  • Tittle: I Can Have Another You In A Minute                                                              Sub: A comic for space, music, and bad hand drawing lovers                                    By: Ruth Ewald

  • Turn Me On                                                                                                                     S1E4

  • Jones: Computer connect to Earth.

  • Jones: Hey, Christophe.                                                                                                         Christophe: Hey Emily, what’s up?

  • Jones: I’ve been thinking of you.                                                                                          Christophe: I’m not married if that’s what you’re asking, still fighting.

  • Jones: I loved you the most recently. I’m waiting for you to come up here, where it’s safe.

  • Jones: Turn me on again.                                                                                                       Christophe: Maybe later. When I’ve saved up.      Bye

  • Jones: Bye.

Some words in this episode are from the song Turn Me On By Nora Jones in the album Come Away With Me.

Another In A Minute: I Don’t Know Why

  • Tittle: I Can Have Another You In A Minute

    Sub: A comic for space, music, and bad hand drawing lovers

    By: Ruth Ewald

  • S1E3: I Don't Know Why

  •        Ry: Captain, why weren’t you at the Thriller party?

                  Jones: I don’t know, extra work to do. I worked till I saw the sun… then it was too late.

  • Doc: It’s not the same without the captain.

                  Jones: I didn’t feel comfortable.

  • Flashback

    Doc (in a flirty voice): Hey captain, about the Thriller party…

    Want to come with me and Ry?


  • present

    Doc: I wasn’t.

    Jones: Good.     (sigh) I don’t know why I didn’t come.


  • Jones: I left you by the house of fun. Sorry I abandoned you. The whole crew for some minor work. I don’t know why I didn’t come.

  • Jones: Computer log. I don’t know why…

Some words in this episode from the song I Don’t Know Why by Norah Jones in the album Come Away With Me.

Another In A Minute: There’s A Land

Note: on some slides you may have to scroll down a bit to read all the dialogue.

  • Tittle: I Can Have Another You In A Minute

    Sub: A comic for space, music, and bad hand drawing lovers

    By: Ruth Ewald

  • S1E2: There's A Land

  • Narrator: The crew plays a bored game. The captain comes in.                                     Costa: Do you want to play?                                                                                                         Jones: Only if I can be supper awkward.



  •  Costa: Captain, I want to go on a spiritual journey.                                                                        Jones: Ha.                                                                                                       Costa: seriously.                                                                                                                            Jones: OK 

  • Later.

    Narrator: In the shuttle.

    computer: warning! anomaly alert. warning! high ship shakege.                                     Costa: But a little divide, but a little sea, there's a land…

  •  planetary resident: Welcome to Paradise, human!                                                                             Costa: You're awaiting me?

  • Later.

    Narrator: Adam was prying when he met Foa'i.                                                                             Nat: I'm Foa'i Nat, Vulcan. It's a trap.                                                               Costa: Let's escape together.

  • Later.

    Nat to Jones: I'm staying Here.

Some words in the episode are from the song There’s a Land By Adam Guettel in the album Myths and Hymns

Another In a Minute: Seven Years

I Can Have Another You In A Minute


  • Title: I Can Have Another You In A Minute

    Sub: A comic for Space, Music, and Bad hand drawings

    By:Ruth Ewald

  • S1E1

    Title: Seven Years

  • Narrator: Captain's on a mission, she won't succeed.

  • Narrator: She finds a pod!

    There's a life form

  • Narrator: She brings it back!

  • Brownstine: She's a little girl.

    Jones: What's with her…?

    Brownstine: I'll look into it.

  • Brownsine: My report: Girl with nothing wrong!

    Jones: And she's all alone. What to do with her?

  • Narrator: The crew unanimously (that's the word) agrees to keep her.

    Jones: But who will raise her?

    Simon: I have an ensign who would like to raise a kid.

OK I listened to the song twice to time my draw/writing time. I think in the next episode I will not put the dialogue and narrations in the picture, and only underneath.

Continue reading Another In a Minute: Seven Years