Lab publications
Bunn, R.A., A. Corrêa, J. Joshi, C. Kaiser, Y. Lekberg, C.E. Prescott, A. Sala, J. Karst. 2024. What determines transfer of carbon from plants to mycorrhizal fungi? New Phytologist.
Lu, Q, Bunn, R., Whitney, E., Feng, Y., DeVetter, L.W., Tao, H. 2023. Arbuscular mycorrhizae influence raspberry growth and soil fertility under conventional and organic fertilization. Frontiers in Microbiology.
Bunn, R.A., Antunes, P.M., Bullington, L.S., Fahey, C., Lekberg, Y. 2023. Soil moisture and competition determine soil biota effects on invasive Centaurea stoebe. Functional Ecology.
Cheeke, T.E, Schneider, M., Saify, A., Brauner, M., Bunn, R.A 2022. Role of soil biota in grassland restorations in high nutrient soils. Restoration Ecology.
Bunn, R.A., Simpson, D.T., Bullington, L.S., Lekberg, Y., & Janos, D.P. 2019. Revisiting the ‘direct mineral cycling’ hypothesis: arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi colonize leaf litter, but why? 2019. The ISME Journal.
Lekberg, Y., J. Bever, R.A. Bunn, R. Callaway, M. Hart, S. Kivlin, J. Klironomos, B. Larkin, J. Maron, K. Reinhart, M. Remke, Michael, W. van der Putten. 2018. Relative importance of competition and plant soil feedbacks, their context dependency and implications for coexistence. Ecology Letters. 21(8): 1268-1281.
Lekberg, Y., M. Vasar, L.S. Bullington, S.-K. Sepp, P.M. Antunes, R.A. Bunn, B.G. Larkin, M. Öpik. 2018. More bang for the buck? Can arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities be characterized adequately alongside other fungi using general fungal primers? New Phytologist. 220(4): 971-976. Doi 10.1111/nph.15035
Cortese, A.M. and R.A. Bunn. 2017. Availability and function of arbuscular mycorrhizal and ectomycorrhizal fungi during revegetation of dewatered reservoirs left after dam removal. Restoration Ecology. 25(1): 63-71. Doi 10.1111/rec.12406
Bunn, R.A., P.W. Ramsey, and Y. Lekberg. 2015. Do native and invasive plants differ in their interactions with, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi? A meta-analysis. Journal of Ecology. 103(6):1547-1556. Doi 10.1111/1365-2745.12456
Bunn, R.A., Y. Lekberg, C. Gallagher, S. Rosendahl, and P.W. Ramsey. 2014. Grassland invaders and their mycorrhizal symbionts: a study across climate and invasion gradients. Ecology and Evolution. 4(6):794-805
Other publications
Casper, C.W. DuPre, M.E., McLeod, M.L., Bunn, R.A., Maron, J.L., Ramsey, P.W., Lekberg, Y. 2024. Negative plant–soil feedback influences a dominant seeded species, Western yarrow (Achillea millefolium), in grassland restoration. Restoration Ecology.
Sullivan, A, Bunn, R., Cheeke, R. 2023. Invasion by the annual grass, Ventenata dubia does not impact mycorrhizal fungal abundance in an endangered prairie. Restoration Ecology.
Mafune, K.K., Vogt, D.J., Vogt, K.A., Cline, E.C., Godfrey, B.J., Bunn, R.A., and Meade, A.J.S.. 2023 Old-growth Acer macrophyllum trees host a unique suite of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and other root-associated fungal taxa in their canopy soil environment, Mycologia. doi: 10.1080/00275514.2023.2206930
Zabinski, C.A. and R.A. Bunn. 2014. Function of mycorrhizae in extreme environments, pp. 201-214, In Zakaria M. Solaiman, Lynette K. Abbott and Ajit K.Varma [eds.], Mycorrhizal Fungi: Use in Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, Springer Soil Biology Series
Bunn, R. A., Lekberg, Y., & Zabinski, C. A. 2009. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi ameliorate temperature stress in thermophilic plants. Ecology, 90(5), 1378–1388.
Bunn, R. A., & Zabinski, C. A. 2003. Arbuscular mycorrhizae in thermal-influenced soils in Yellowstone National Park. Western North American Naturalist, 63(4), 409–415
Bunn, R. A., Magelky, R. D., Ryan, J. N., & Elimelech, M. 2002. Mobilization of natural colloids from an iron oxide-coated sand aquifer: effect of pH and ionic strength. Environmental Science & Technology, 36(3), 314–22.
Ryan, J. N., Elimelech, M., Ard (Bunn), R. A., Harvey, R. W., & Johnson, P. R. 1999. Bacteriophage PRD1 and Silica Colloid Transport and Recovery in an Iron Oxide-Coated Sand Aquifer. Environmental Science & Technology, 33(1), 63–73. doi:10.1021/es980350+