Using Tell it Slant for a Graduate Course

Though Tell it Slant is often considered a text for introducing students to creative nonfiction, it can actually be quite useful for writers at every level. I’ve just finished my syllabus for my winter graduate course in creative nonfiction (English 505), and after much deliberation I decided to use TIS for an intensive generative writing workshop.

I’ve found that graduate students often need to return to the “basics,” and they also need to learn how to generate a lot of new work in a short amount of time. We’ll be jogging through TIS at a quick pace, combining chapters to explore both content and form at the same time, and writing to beat the band! If you’re curious about how I’ve organized the course, I’ve posted the syllabus for ENG 505 on the Sample Syllabi page, as well as my Reading Response Assignment which ensures that the students practice reading closely for craft.  Enjoy!


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