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  5. Burman, J. L.; Itsara, L. S.; Kayser, E.-B.; Suthammarak, W.; Wang, A. M.; Kaeberlein, M.; Sedensky, M. M.; Morgan, P. G.; Pallanck, L. J. A Drosophila Model of Mitochondrial Disease Caused by a Complex I Mutation That Uncouples Proton Pumping from Electron Transfer. Dis. Model. Mech. 2014, 7 (10), 1165–1174.
  6. Delaney, J. R.; Murakami, C.; Chou, A.; Carr, D.; Schleit, J.; Sutphin, G. L.; An, E. H.; Castanza, A. S.; Fletcher, M.; Goswami, S.; Higgins, S.; Holmberg, M.; Hui, J.; Jelic, M.; Jeong, K.-S.; Kim, J. R.; Klum, S.; Liao, E.; Lin, M. S.; Lo, W.; Miller, H.; Moller, R.; Peng, Z. J.; Pollard, T.; Pradeep, P.; Pruett, D.; Rai, D.; Ros, V.; Schuster, A.; Singh, M.; Spector, B. L.; Wende, H. V.; Wang, A. M.; Wasko, B. M.; Olsen, B.; Kaeberlein, M. Dietary Restriction and Mitochondrial Function Link Replicative and Chronological Aging in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae. Exp. Gerontol. 2013, 48 (10), 1006–1013.
  7. Delaney, J. R.; Chou, A.; Olsen, B.; Carr, D.; Murakami, C.; Ahmed, U.; Sim, S.; An, E. H.; Castanza, A. S.; Fletcher, M.; Higgins, S.; Holmberg, M.; Hui, J.; Jelic, M.; Jeong, K.-S.; Kim, J. R.; Klum, S.; Liao, E.; Lin, M. S.; Lo, W.; Miller, H.; Moller, R.; Peng, Z. J.; Pollard, T.; Pradeep, P.; Pruett, D.; Rai, D.; Ros, V.; Schleit, J.; Schuster, A.; Singh, M.; Spector, B. L.; Sutphin, G. L.; Wang, A. M.; Wasko, B. M.; Vander Wende, H.; Kennedy, B. K.; Kaeberlein, M. End-of-Life Cell Cycle Arrest Contributes to Stochasticity of Yeast Replicative Aging. FEMS Yeast Res. 2013, 13 (3), 267–276.
  8. Wang, A. M.; Miyata, Y.; Klinedinst, S.; Peng, H.-M.; Chua, J. P.; Komiyama, T.; Li, X.; Morishima, Y.; Merry, D. E.; Pratt, W. B.; Osawa, Y.; Collins, C. A.; Gestwicki, J. E.; Lieberman, A. P. Activation of Hsp70 Reduces Neurotoxicity by Promoting Polyglutamine Protein Degradation. Nat. Chem. Biol. 2013, 9 (2), 112–118.
       —Featured as a Research Highlight in Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 12, 102 (February 2013)
  9. Murakami, C.; Delaney, J. R.; Chou, A.; Carr, D.; Schleit, J.; Sutphin, G. L.; An, E. H.; Castanza, A. S.; Fletcher, M.; Goswami, S.; Higgins, S.; Holmberg, M.; Hui, J.; Jelic, M.; Jeong, K.-S.; Kim, J. R.; Klum, S.; Liao, E.; Lin, M. S.; Lo, W.; Miller, H.; Moller, R.; Peng, Z. J.; Pollard, T.; Pradeep, P.; Pruett, D.; Rai, D.; Ros, V.; Schuster, A.; Singh, M.; Spector, B. L.; Vander Wende, H.; Wang, A. M.; Wasko, B. M.; Olsen, B.; Kaeberlein, M. pH Neutralization Protects against Reduction in Replicative Lifespan Following Chronological Aging in Yeast. Cell Cycle 2012, 11 (16), 3087–3096.
  10. Yu, Z.; *Wang, A. M.; Adachi, H.; Katsuno, M.; Sobue, G.; Yue, Z.; Robins, D. M.; Lieberman, A. P. Macroautophagy Is Regulated by the UPR-Mediator CHOP and Accentuates the Phenotype of SBMA Mice. PLoS Genet. 2011, 7 (10), e1002321.
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  13. Morishima, Y.; Wang, A. M.; Yu, Z.; Pratt, W. B.; Osawa, Y.; Lieberman, A. P. CHIP Deletion Reveals Functional Redundancy of E3 Ligases in Promoting Degradation of Both Signaling Proteins and Expanded Glutamine Proteins. Hum. Mol. Genet. 2008, 17 (24), 3942–3952.
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* denotes co-first authorship