Fun Facts About Cows

Fun Cow Facts to Moo-tivate You!

Image result for cute cows

  1. All cows are actually considered female. Males are known as steer or bulls.  The female cow is a heifer until she has a calf.
  2. Cows are VEGETARIAN!! Just like Taylor our creator.
  3. Cows can see almost 360 degrees, but not very well straight in front of them.  Those are some big eyes!
  4. Cows like to be alone, they like to have friends.  So if you have a farm, remember to create a cute Instagram account for your cows so they will be in a better mooooo-d.
  5. Cows have an average of 32 teeth.
  6. Cows spend around 10 hours laying down and chillin out. So I think it’s time to hang out with your cows and put on a fun mooo-vie.