The Story of the Stadium, By Bruce Nauman
The Stadium piece by Bruce Nauman is one of the most used and interacted with sculptures on WWU’s campus. Nauman does a great job of breaking down the barrier between the viewer and the artwork. The Stadium was built between (1998-1999). He knew that the piece would be across from fields that were being planned across the way. A place for a student to play Frisbee soccer, lacrosse and football. But he also knew that students at Western also liked theater and the arts.
This leads The Stadium to have the qualities of a stadium and theater. Nauman wanted people interacting to become performers, purposely making the stair length larger than normal so the climber has to focus as he climbs and be present in the event. The Stadium seats trigger memories of games watched and the times had. Sitting on them makes you feel like you are about to watch a play or show.
Looking at The Stadium you see stairs and white concrete. But when you are standing, sitting, reading or watching the piece, it completely changes the interpretation of the piece. Nauman’s commitment to involving the viewer in his pieces is shown here in a powerful way. The video will take you into our perspective of this incredible sculpture.
Song: Vida Antiga- Estamos Carlos ( WWU NOR I OWN THE RIGHTS)
Video Creation and Acting: Ryan Wissmar
Editing: Ryan Wissmar
Research & Writing: Ryan Wissmar Noelle Lloyd
Creative Direction: Ryan Wissmar
“American Performance and Video Artist.”,
“Bruce Nauman.” Guggenheim,
“Bruce Nauman.” Widewalls,
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