Sam Burgess

Jocelyn Gibbons

Harvey Seaman




The Rock Rings is a stone enclosure created by Nancy Holt in 1977. After travelling west to California, Holt began creating land art. She was fascinated by the expanse of deserts and mountains surrounding her in the northwest. The Rock Rings used local materials such as schist and was aimed at connecting the viewer with nature. The work is aligned with Polaris, the North Star, and the aligning windows represent the cardinal directions. This was inspired by navigators who used the star and cardinal directions to travel. It brings a sense of unity in that people and nature are bound. Holt was appreciative of the northwestern biome and embodied its beauty with her work. Our rendition of her piece was a digital model, created by Sam Burgess using a modelling software. Harvey Seaman then created the sculpture texture, exposed brownstone, using Photoshop. Once the rendering was completed, Jocelyn Gibbons used Premiere Pro to edit a video from screen recorded clips. We felt that the piece had a mystical and supernatural yet calming aura . In our video, we used shots that looked through the windows and scrolling through the arches to give viewers the feeling of being at the location. The music we used, Flowers Feat. Nori by In Love With A Ghost, has a soft sound with a steady beat. The music is lulling and quiet, the same emotions we experienced when viewing the sculpture. Our team wanted to give viewers the same interactive exposure as Holt conveyed to her audience.