Abakanowicz has played an instrumental role in shifting the meaning of sculpture from an object to look at, to a space of experience and contemplation.

In 1994 the artist, Magdalena Abakanowicz crafted the art piece; Manus (Hands-like Trees Series), after a series of events with the cold war there was a deep history behind this piece and a lot of hidden beauty. Our intentions is to show the deeper meaning behind the piece in a artful way as well as to do the piece justice. In doing so we will find ways to display the surrounding area of the work, focusing on the characteristics of the hidden art piece, and revel in the life of the artist themselves for what they have endured and shown us what comes of it in a productive way. This will benefit those who view the piece and those who have not known of the piece, through maintaining its appeal of blending in but removing its elusiveness from the public. In doing so we wish to create a video piece that explains the piece, explain the forethought of the piece and the life in which the artists lived that had a heavy influence on the piece.

Our concept is to display the organic and inorganic sides of the art installation through comparison of the natural beauty around the piece and the piece itself on campus. We also wish do display its human like aspects, showing the angle that it is reaching, the size of the piece yet ability to be elusive. As well as the meaning of the piece and why it was put up

Magdalena Abakanowicz intends to express, as each viewer of this work decide for themselves what the piece means to them, and how it affects them emotionally, physically, and mentally.