Mariah Alverson: fulfilled the role of the admin, as well as narrated the video.

Nate Graves: took photos of the sculpture, edited them, and turned them into a slideshow.

Alex Yakabu: wrote the script for the narration of the video.

This collaborative project on Beverly Pepper’s, “Normanno Wedge,” was an effort to pay respect to this piece and inform the students of Western on the beauty of this piece. We all wanted to focus the project on the idea of time, as Pepper intended the piece to be interpreted as, and this is how our project stands out from others. The black and white filter, as well as different angles of the sculpture, were important for us to include in the project because it is supposed to be seen from many different positions as students walk past and see it. We all spent a lot of time trying to interpret the idea of time and the significant purpose of the wedge. All of us hope that this video serves justice to Beverly Pepper’s work and the impact it has left on Western’s campus.