Artist Statement:

By Thomas Montgomery and Current Hamlet

As a reaction to Robert Maki’s sculpture on the WWU campus, “Curve/Diagonal,” Curren and Thomas created a audio visual piece. It is composed of two parts, the technical drawings of the sculpture and the music. The drawings show the different views of the sculpture because Maki hoped that his work would encourage the viewer to approach the social situations of the time with different viewpoints. The music is made to reflect the dissonance and unrest of the time period in which the work was created. It was during the Cold War and a conflict on campus between the art department and the campus architects. The drawings also become slightly distorted as the video progresses, showing how it can be hard to see issues clearly in times of distress.


The piece required artistic prowess by Curren while he was creating the technical drawings of the sculpture, and by Thomas while he wrote the ambience that accompanies the drawings. They hope that their message is conveyed clearly in this reaction.


Drawings by Curren Hamlet using drafting tools

Music by Thomas Montgomery using Reason 9.5

Slide show by Thomas Montgomery using Adobe Premiere