1. What did you love this week? What would you have loved to have achieved this week?
    • I loved the game night! It was seriously so much fun and I am really happy that I got to be a part of it. I think it was the most fun for me because I somehow won two of the rounds and I really never win games like the ones we played. Usually, no one can match my humour but this group of people liked my answers which made me feel good. In class, I really liked Dr. S’s workshop about coaching. I thought it was really valuable and it taught me skills I will definitely need in the future.
  2. Applying the content from this week’s learnings, connect your understanding with something that’s relevant to your venture
    • I learned more about how we are going to be dealing with zoom-bombers for our online event. This was a really long conversation that our whole team had to work through. It definitely brought me some awareness of the negative sides of using the internet for our event. I think the chance of someone negatively impacting our event will be very low but it is always possible so we will keep an eye out.
  3. What challenges are you facing? What’s Next?
    • The big challenge that I think we are facing is finalizing all the people who are presenting at the event. I am starting to get worried that not all the people I have asked to present will be ready. I also find it challenging to schedule all of the presentations and the inability to meet with anyone in person has become a very big hardship for me. Other then those few things I think the event will run smoothly and is going to be great!


  1. I definitely connect with game night being awesome. I’m really glad you won two rounds you deserved it and you’re freakin hilarious. I also really enjoyed Dr.S’s workshop on coaching and I learned so much. Before the workshop I didn’t know the difference between consulting and coaching.

    For sure feel you on finalizing presenters and also continuing to connect with more potential presenters. What I have been doing is setting goals everyday for the event even if they’re small things. For example, one of the days I said I would contact 2 new people to be presenters. Overall, we are doing great and I have really enjoyed working with you on this venture.

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