Category: Podcast
Bellingham Podcast + KNKX (NPR)
“A Walking Tour Through Downtown Bellingham” By Geoffrey Redick on KNKX “…We wanted to get a sense of what it’s like to live in Bellingham, and why so many people have chosen it as their hometown. That’s what Chris Powell and A.J. Barse did. After they graduated from Western Washington University, they found the place…
The Urban Hiker’s Grand Tour [Bellingham Podcast]
For the past four episodes of The Bellingham Podcast, we’ve been focusing on making the most of summer and enjoying the great PNW outdoors. We’ve called this mini-series The Urban Hiker’s Grand Tour, where each week Chris Powell and I talk about our hikes and travels in our evergreen state of Washington, but from a…
Podcasting Presentation (ver.2)
“Podcasting.” It is most often misused in academia as an assignment, whereby a student just records an audio file. An .mp3 does not make a Podcast. This presentation goes over the process of getting started in podcasting, mobile production, and looking at podcasting as the verb that it is; a process by which someone creates…
The Bellingham Podcast (style guide)
All designed using Canva… iTunes:
BPM Tech: Episode 7
Show notes: Ep.7 Chris Managing work and personal calendars. Google for personal, Outlook for work One app to rule them all? Work account on your personal phone/tablet? AJ The hunt for new notebook Current: The hunt: Shinola (made in America) Actually contacted the company: Cartesio (Italy, Florence) French company: Rhodia: Exit 254 – Ohio…
BPM Tech: Episode 6.5 (in Spokane from WSHEC 2016)
BPM records live on location at the Davenport Grand hotel on the east-side of the state of Washington at the 2016 Building Bridges educational technology conference. Chris and I both present at this conference that brought in 373 attendees from 62 different institutions of higher education. *Conference Tech bingo: What we see on or with…
The Battle Royal of “free” podcast hosting
“Content costs!” These two simple words are the very crux to one of my Building Bridges conference presentations this year. It doesn’t matter what the content is, there is always a price to host it on the internet. With the recent, and successful, launch of ‘Bellingham Podcast Media: Tech‘ (BPM: Tech) we ran into something…
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