Current Lab

Research Associates

Ahna Van Gaest

Ahna Van Gaest standing in the snow and smiling up at the camera.Education:

M.S. University of Oregon, Biology

B.S. University of Oregon, Biology

Projects: The impact of symbiont-larval interactions on species distributions across southwestern Pacific hydrothermal vents.

Dispersal depth and the transport of deep-sea methane-seep larvae around a biogeographic barrier



Post-doctoral Scientists

Dr. Tanika Ladd


Western Washington University, Bellingham, 2014, B.S. in Mathematics, Minors in Chemistry, Physics, and Environmental Science.

University of California Santa Barbara, PhD in Marine Science 2021

Projects: The predictive nature of microbial biofilms for cuing larval settlement at deep-sea hydrothermal vents

Using metabarcoding to elucidate trophic interactions in planktonic communities at hydrothermal vents



Current Graduate Students

Mel Lemke

Mel smiling and waving to the camera while leaning over the side of the Alvin submersible before descending. Education:

B.S. Marine Biology, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, 2021

Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA, Marine and Estuarine Science Program, M.S. in Biology, expected 2025

Thesis Title: No free meals! Evaluating mussel and worm symbiosis at East Pacific Rise hydrothermal vents


Projects: The predictive nature of microbial biofilms for cuing larval settlement at deep-sea hydrothermal vents


Luke Ghallahorne

Luke Ghallahorne standing in a tropical themed shark shirt on a sunny day.Education:

B.S. Biology, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA, 2022

Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA, Marine and Estuarine Science Program, M.S. in Biology, expected 2025

Thesis Topic: Modeling the dispersal of Olympia oyster in the Salish Sea


Project: The Olympia oyster project



Laura Hanna

Laura smiling and waving to the camera before entering the Alvin submersible.Education:

B.S. Biology, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA, 2022

Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA, Marine and Estuarine Science Program, M.S. in Biology, expected 2025

Thesis Topic: Microbiome shifts across development of the chemosymbiotic vent snail Alviniconcha spp.


Project: The impact of symbiont-larval interactions on species distributions across southwestern Pacific hydrothermal vents.


Wyatt Heimbichner Goebel


Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA, B.S. in Biology 2019

Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA, Marine and Estuarine Science Program, M.S. in Biology, expected 2023

Thesis Title: Larval settlement as a function of physical characteristics of microbial biofilms in intertidal and hydrothermal vent systems

Project: The predictive nature of microbial biofilms for cuing larval settlement at deep-sea hydrothermal vents


Interested in joining the larval lab?

Keep an eye on our Lab News for current positions or email