TEM – Query

(TEM Reports > TEM – Query)

The query report was designed for a user who already has a question in mind, need to know what travel Employee X has done? Or I need to follow up on the expenses I just approved? Or can I see if any of my specified employees have submitted any travel requests in the last month?

Once you run the report you will have additional options as drill downs.

You will notice that some TAs don’t have TRs, this is because travelers have not filled for reimbursement for these TAs.

Clicking the report name will drill down to the Itinerary level.  The row with both the TA number and TR number represents the TR’s Itinerary while the row with just the TA represents the TA’s Itinerary.

Clicking on the TA number will give you a breakdown of the expenses with date and description. Selecting the Estimated Pay Amount for any expense item will give you the breakdown by FOPAL. If there is no funding string available then it is a non‐reimbursable expense.

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