Kidney Disease-Prezi

Twenty-six million Americans have kidney disease and most of them are clueless while one in three are at risk for getting it and kidney disease is the ninth leading cause of death in the United States. This Prezi will explore the function of the kidneys, the risk of having diseased kidneys, the signs and symptoms for why so many Americans have the disease, and the keys to a successful path to promote longer and healthier lifestyles.

13 thoughts on “Kidney Disease-Prezi

  1. I love how your Prezi is telling a story; It is very well done and very informational. I did not know how much kidney disease effected the body!

  2. I liked how informative your prezi was! When you learn about kidneys, you just learn about them filtering you blood-I never knew they released other chemicals/hormones that promote health in other parts of the body! I also didn’t know some of the symptoms of kidney failure! I thought it was super interesting to learn that diseased kidneys can cause a decrease in sex drive. And finally, I thought it was really interesting and super scary just how prevalent kidney disease is..1 in 3 people?!? That makes me a little paranoid and definitely makes me want to do everything I can to keep my kidneys properly functioning.

  3. Super cute and informative. I think you had the perfect amount of written information as well as great transitions throughout the Prezi. The actual Prezi was very good and had clean transitions, did not hurt the eyes like some can. Fantastic job!

  4. Wow, what a stunning prezi! I really enjoyed the template you guys used and how you used it! I thought the health and preventive stairs/pathway was clever and awesome to me. You did a wonderful job as well providing the essential information about kidney disease. I learned the functionally of the kidneys, what kidney disease is, and interventions to prevent kidney disease to experience a healthy lifestyle. Sweet job!

  5. This prezi was AMAZING!! Very detailed and well thought out. I really liked the choice of template, I thought that it worked very well with the topic. This was a very good way to display the information.

  6. This prezi is awesome! All of your graphics are really fabulous and aid in the way you share information. I also love how you ordered everything and strung it together in a well-organized and helpful manner.

  7. I enjoy how interactive your prezi was. It kept my attention and made me interested in your topic. I learned a lot about a disease that I really didn’t know much about.
    I didn’t realize that kidney disease was so common, which makes me want to make life changes.

  8. ABSOLUTELY loved your prezi! The effects, images, and layout looked professional! I tried to figure out who your audience was, but it seemed that this prezi could be played as an internet ad because it would really appeal to so many English speaking populations!

  9. Very well done! The whole theme ties into your material very well. The flow of your project was thought out and interactive. I can definitely see this presentation being used in a professional setting.

  10. I really liked the flow of this prezi. The background really made the prezi look like a story. I really liked how you first talked about kidney disease and then in the bottom of the pit you showed ways to prevent kidney disease and to be more health conscious. well done!

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