Hypertension PSA- Know Your Risk

Hypertension (aka high blood pressure), is a chronic, potentially life threatening disease. It is prevalent in western society, affecting 1 in 3 adults in the US. Hypertension is a risk factor for several other diseases, such as heart disease and stroke. Primary preventative action should be taken by those who are able to do so, especially those 20-30 years of age. This is an excellent time to set healthy lifestyle habits in place (mainly diet, and exercise), to ensure a long and healthy life. But of course, change for greater health at any age is better than none!




High Blood Pressue. (2015, February 19). Retrieved March 08, 2016, from

High Blood Pressure and Nutrition. (2014, December 17). Retrieved March 08, 2016, from https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases_conditions/hic_Hypertension_High_Blood_Pressure/hic_High_Blood_Pressure_and_Nutrition

28 thoughts on “Hypertension PSA- Know Your Risk

  1. Nicely done! I like how instead of assuming that your peers know what you are talking about, you actually ask them. And having a doctor explain it correctly was the bomb!

  2. Your video contained a ton of facts and had great images. You also had some positives which help add to a negative topic. Good job.

  3. I really liked how you made your introduction with video interview of college students. Good background music. The students sounded like typical college students and it had a good dramatic factor. I liked that it played like a story but was still very informative. Thanks!

  4. like the format used in this psa. Asking people the different questions and switching between all of them kept the audience engaged, nice work.

  5. I love how the video included Western students, actual doctors from our health center, and clips of healthy food and exercise! Well put together!

  6. This is a fantastic video! I like the use of interview, and that you included a wide variety of footage to get your message across. This is very well-made.

  7. I liked how you guys addressed hypertension on college campus. It’s something that we should start being concerned about now and not just something older people have to worry about. And I also think it was cool how you told us about what it can lead to, because I don’t think people realize just how detrimental high blood pressure could be.

  8. I really like how you guys were willing to go to such diverse locations in order to film your video. It seems as though you really went above and beyond the expectations. I liked the interview you guys did with doctor, and with one another as well. Potentially using more of the features of Imovie (more text, sound effects) would be beneficial. I loved the song at the end though!

  9. This video was really well done! The interviews with the music in the background was really engaging and seemed like answers we could all relate too when addressing blood pressure. The facts combined with the different types of filming scenes was great. Nice work!

  10. This was a great PSA! I loved the interview style because it seemed really approachable. The variety of videos kept things interesting, too. The use of music at the end was heartwarming and engaging. I think this was a really clear and informative PSA!

  11. Your video was GREAT! I liked how you interviewed people about your subject and then informed the audience. I also liked how you did different methods, (interview, talking and words on screen) to get your points across! I never really knew what hypertension was before this class so this was a good easy way to explain it to someone and tell them what to do and what not to do!

  12. THIS WAS AMAZING! I loved the music, it really added to the message and kept the audience captivated. I loved the shot with the doctor and the interviews with people not knowing their risks. I think it was very beneficial to show. If shown on TV I think it would be very beneficial to the public.

  13. You guys had really insightful info and gave tangible ways to reduce your risk Hypertension. I recently did a study on this so it was interesting to be able to cross reference what you guys had to say with what I studied.

  14. Hypertension PSA,

    I really liked the way you put the video together and interviewed other students from the class about their health in diet and smoking. Also the facts that you presented verbally and in text so the audience can get a visual understanding of what is needed to keep good blood pressure levels.

  15. i really thought this PSA was very well done and i thought it hit close to home especially with the personal anecdote alluding to someones father having the disease. Very professional appearing as well! Really good job!

  16. Very good content! I really like the introduction because it was very engaging. And the music was a good touch too!

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