Christopher Baker

I thought this piece was really cool. Its a bunch of video diaries that have been posted on youtube.

“The project is a meditation on the contemporary plight of democratic, participative media and the fundamental human desire to be heard. The artist Christopher Baker, who originally trained as a scientist, is inspired by the interconnectivities – visible and invisible – present in the 21st-century urban landscape and is interested in the  practical implications of our increasingly networked lifestyles: ‘Primary to this task is an exploration of the ways we imagine and represent ourselves before (potentially massive) audiences and the ways we navigate and abide in public space. With these interests at heart, large-scale video projections allow me to create works that fuse existing physical spaces with more ephemeral digital elements, resulting in revelatory and sometimes disorienting forms.’”

Hello World! Or: How I Learned to Stop Listening and Love the Noise

Here is a video of the installation


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