Artsy Stuff to do over Winter Break

Create a PostSecret or two to have in the Viking Union Gallery due January 6!
Go check out artwork by Tim Kenney at The Black Drop coffeeshop.
Stop by the Fairhaven Book Fare Cafe for art by Lenae Day.
Starting December 18, see “Arts and Crafts Movement in the Pacific Northwest” at the Whatcom Museum.

Last chance to check out the Picasso exhibit at the SAM, before it closes 1/17/2011!
Make sure you experience Gerri Sayler’s installation at the Suyama Space before 12/17/2010.
Art about the homeless, vacancy, and found objects @ Platform Gallery.

More Picasso prints and awesome grid portraits by Stu Levy @ Augen Gallery.
Visit Blackfish Gallery for new installation and paintings by Kanetaka Ikeda and Mario Caoile.

Have some suggestions? Feel free to post a comment!

Call for PostSecrets!

The Viking Union Gallery is soliciting submissions for a Winter PostSecret themed exhibition “You’ve Got Secrets!”. Anyone and everyone is encouraged to submit one or multiple images/collages/works on a standard size postcard, and every single one will be included in the exhibit.

Secrets can be funny, serious, personal or random.
What is PostSecret?

The VU Gallery is also hosting a craft night with provided materials for your last chance to add a secret!
For more details, check out the Facebook event!
All submissions are due January 6 to the VU Gallery.

Campus publications seek student artwork!

Western’s annual publications, Labyrinth & Jeopardy, put on by the AS Women’s Center and English Department respectively, are both currently seeking submissions of written work and visual art.

Labyrinth is a gender-inclusive visual art journal sponsored by the Women’s Center, calling for submissions around the topic of “the gray areas of identity”. Submissions are due by January 20, 2011! For more information, contact coordinator Annie Jansen at, or check out the Facebook event! Applicants have a chance to be included in both the publication and a gallery exhibit in the Viking Union Gallery.

“Jeopardy Magazine is Western’s annual showcase publication of literary and fine arts. Available each spring, Jeopardy contains the best prose, poetry, comics, creative non-fiction, scripts, fine arts, and photography Western has to offer, plus much more.” The first submission deadline is December 4, 2010, and the final deadline is Winter Quarter. Check out their website

Keep checking back for more updates on these publications!

WWU Photo goes to regional SPENW conference!

On November 5-7, a group of approximately a dozen WWU photo students traveled to Portland, OR to attend and participate in the SPENW regional conference. The WWU Student Panel (Mike Cumiskey, Andrew Figgs, Adam McRae, Joe Rudko, and Fiona Shearer) had their successful presentation on Saturday in front of a packed house.

Garth Amundson, Pierre Gour, Rebecca Cummins (University of Washington), and Alex Emmons (Central Washington University) presented Blasted: Location/Dislocation, a panel describing their respective research as related to the over-arching topic of site and location.

The conference was a HUGE success and the organizers deserve credit for facilitating such an informative and dynamic conference! Everyone is invited to participate in both the national SPE conference in Atlanta, GA in March 2011 as well as the 2011 SPENW Regional Conference.

Below is a slideshow of images from the weekend in Portland:
