
Hey! You should probably submit something to Labyrinth this year. The deadline has been extended to Jan. 31.

Labyrinth is Western’s annual literary and art magazine and gallery showing co-sponsored by the AS Women’s Center and Viking Union Gallery. The purpose of Labyrinth is to showcase women’s experiences, and students of all gender identities are encouraged to make submissions. This year’s theme is ‘The Gray Areas of Identity.’ Our identities are not defined by absolutes: life is not black and white.

Share your response to this theme in the form of poetry, prose, photography, film, performance art, sculpture, or any other medium of art. The publication is accompanied by a gallery showing, so submissions of all forms are highly encouraged.

For more information or a submission form, contact Annie Jansen at or (360) 650-6114. All submissions can be made digitally to

Submissions will be accepted until January 31st, 2011!

Also on Facebook

Department of Art Faculty Biennial

Your professors still make art! Come check out some amazing work by WWU Art Department faculty including Elsi Vassdal Ellis, Sharron Antholt, Cynthia Camlin, Ben Moreau, Patrick McCormick, Seiko Purdue, Lisa Larrabee and more.

Gallery Attendant Lindsey Schmid says, “There’s a lot of books and stuff you can touch! It’s a chance to see who’s teaching the students, and learn a lot about professors.”

“Every two years the Western Gallery features the work of the Department of Art faculty in the areas of studio and design. An opportunity for the community to look into the faculty’s current projects, the show features a selection of works that explore contemporary attitudes and individual areas of research with traditional and new media.” -Western Gallery

See everything from painting, photography and illustration to ceramics and video art.

Now through March 5, 2011!

The incredible world of Diminished Reality…

Thought of this when in class today. Figured I’d share it, even though I know I’ve shared it with some of you already. I think the opening tagline is interesting…”Have you ever dreamed of a better world?”

The most recent research project in the area of Diminished Reality by Jan Herling and Wolfgang Broll, Ilmenau University of Technology, Department of Virtual Worlds / Digital Games, 2010.

