The Survey

A title that reads "Students and Social Media: How the Internet Can Affect the Reading and Studying Habits of Students in College" is in a white text box.  In the background, a cartoon of books squished in-between two bookends can be seen.

A screenshot of the Google Forms survey that we used to collect data.


When we had finally decided on what our topic was, we needed to start collecting data on our subject.  There were several forms of data collection methods that were suggested to us, including interviews, questionnaires, and surveys.  We knew that we wanted to use a data collecting method that would make it easy to get as many responses as possible. This meant that our data collecting method would need to be easily spread via social media platforms.  We knew that lots of students would see it if we posted it to social media.  To get even more responses, we wanted to make it low commitment and simple to take.  By making it easy for students to do, it would not be hard to convince a lot of students to take part in our research. With this in mind, we decided to do a survey. A survey would easily be spread to students via a link posted on social media platforms and the questions could be designed to be low commitment and easy to answer.

After determining that we would use a survey to collect data for our research, we needed to write the survey.  In order to find data that could help us answer our question, we decided to ask students how much time they spent doing various activities.  This included how much time they spent on social media, reading for fun and reading for school. We also asked students if they believed they found it easy to remain focused while reading.  With these questions, we were hoping to collect data that indicated a correlation between the time students spent on social media and the time they spent reading.