Monthly Archives: March 2016

Lets have fun with your club!

So you made a club (or at least know how to make one) as well as all the general ways to make it successful. Now it’s time to have fun and and enjoy what you’ve made. This is the best part! You’ve met people with similar interests, gone through the paperwork, know how to attract like-minded people and now you even know how to host events! Just what you wanted, an organization that speaks to your interests, your passions, your academic pursuits, your identity, your goals for social change, or whatever you’re into. This is great! You now have all the tools to join the ranks of Western Washington University’s 200 student run organizations.

If you are willing and or so inclined to you can even join/help run or even found multiple clubs. While it can make life very busy and hectic it can be worth it. Personally I have been involved in many clubs and even though I don’t always jump into a leadership role being involved in these student run organizations does lead to lots of cool events you can go to. If you really want it you can very easily find something to do any and every day of the week without even creating it yourself.

As you already know personally, I think these clubs/organizations are great for finding niches you maybe don’t even know. In a personal example, when I first came to Western I did not see myself playing humans vs zombies, playing quidditch, dancing or even playing League of Legends; let alone running Western’s League club (I didn’t even like that game genre). Joining these clubs allowed me to meet people and create relationships I would never have made otherwise as well as discovered hobbies I have come to love that I did not even know existed before I looked at all the different clubs here at Western. Hopefully from this blog you take the opportunity to do the same.

I know I have reiterated this countless times over the course of this blog, but clubs and student run organizations are amazing opportunities I think everyone should at least look at. Even if you are thinking of just bring academic here at Western these organizations can be a real boon. There are clubs here for all kinds of majors.

A good example of this is the Psychology club, that happens to be run by a friend of mine. Its a relatively small club filled with Psychology majors and advised by professors from the Psychology majors. They do really cool, informative things like give presentations on various psychological phenomenons, play games for fun and  even do things like student/professor based recommendations on classes and how to navigate the psychology major. It is really quite something, I mean where else can you get something like this unless you have friends in the department or personally know some upper classmen. Additionally this is a real great way to network with people related to your major or things that you are interested in. These people have knowledge and experience that you just dont have and who are eager to share what they know with you in these clubs.

Bare in mind that this is for all majors. Western has clubs in tons of disciplines. Like for CS majors there are clubs dedicated to cs majors in general, application development, robotics, game development, etc. Lots of good stuff out there if you care to look or make it happen if you dont find what you are looking for. So I’ll just leave you with this, check out clubs; look at orgsync and maybe talk to students about what clubs they are in or have heard about. It’s a good time.

If you have any questions club related or otherwise post a comment and I’ll try my best to help you out.

Have fun with your organization!